Logo Design Contest
The Montclair Triathlon Committee is seeking creative and talented Montclairions to design the logo for the upcoming Montclair Triathlon. The rules for the Logo Design Contest are as follows:
Logo must include "Montclair Triathlon" and the year (2016).
Entry deadline is Monday, February 22. The Montclair Triathlon Committee will select a winning entry at their Tuesday, February 23 meeting.
Entries should be emailed to tavajo@gmail.com.
Entries should look good on a green t-shirt (bright, Crayola green) and should be no more than 4 colors.
If designing electronically, please submit in both JPG (300 dpi or greater) and PDF format. Vector files are accepted and encouraged.
All entries become the property of the Montclair Triathlon Committee and can be used in all promotional and marketing material of the event. The committee reserves the right to make the final decisions on the winning logo.
The winning logo will be sent to the t-shirt printer and any other printers that the committee uses for the purposes of promoting the triathlon and its awards.
The winner will receive a t-shirt and entry to the Montclair Triathlon on Sunday, June 19 (if desired).
Please directquestions to Tava at tavajo@gmail.com.