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Picnic Area Reservations are back!

Starting Thursday, April 27, 2017 the MPOA will begin accepting Picnic Area Reservation Forms. Acceptance for reservations will be staggered based on the nature of the group’s request;

30 Days Prior to Beach Opening – Thursday, April 27, 2017: Reservations accepted for use by members, their families and informal groups comprised primarily of Montclair residents;

21 Days Prior to Beach Opening – Monday, May 8, 2017: Reservations accepted for use by Non-profit organizations based in Montclair and public schools serving the Montclair community;

14 Days Prior to Beach Opening – Monday, May 15, 2017: Reservations accepted for use by Non-profit, social and informal organizations not based in Montclair (e.g. church groups). While the group may be based outside of Montclair, the person making the reservation must be a resident of Montclair.

Reservations for For-profit organizations must be reviewed by the Board of Directors. These requests will be reviewed by the Board at the meeting preceding the requested date and no earlier than the June meeting. Reservations will be accepted through the end of the beach season or until all dates are booked. To accommodate as many reservations as possible, reservations are limited to one per household at any given time. That is, if you are reserving a picnic area in June and wish to reserve another date in August, you must wait until the June date has passed to make the August reservation.

If you would like to reserve a picnic area this beach season, submit the Picnic Area Reservation form available here, with a copy of the Declaration Page of your Homeowners/Tenants insurance policy to the MPOA office. Remember, reservations cannot be made on event days like Fourth of July or Montclair Day. If you have any questions, please contact us at (703) 670-6187 or

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