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Assessments Due – May

The May 1 assessment deadline is coming up fast. It might be time to start thinking about how you will pay your dues this year and what your options are. In addition to standard check or money order payments, the Association offers other choices as well.

ClickPay: Owners wishing to pay their assessments online may do so by visiting ClickPay at Through this platform, owners can manage and pay their assessments online through individual or automatic payments made by e-check. Call ClickPay support at 1-(888) 354-0135 for questions or concerns about this program. For general inquiries about your account, please contact First Service Residential at (703) 385-1133.

Automatic Debit: Owners may also sign up for the Automatic Debit Program by creating a ClickPay account. If you have a preexisting automatic debit account, there is no action is required. However, if you wish to view your account, cancel your payment or make changes, you must make a ClickPay account to accomplish these tasks.

Lockbox: Payments may be made out by check or money order and mailed to Montclair Property Owners Association c/o FirstService Residential P.O. Box 11983 Newark, NJ 07101

Please ensure that all checks are made payable to Montclair Property Owner’s Association and include the payment coupon. Note that if your account is in collection or at attorney, the payment is sent to an exception queue by the lockbox provider to be reviewed by FirstService Residential accounting staff for restrictive endorsements prior to processing.

In Office: Owners are also more than welcome to make their payments in-person at the MPOA office by check or money order. Please make sure that you attach the payment coupon to your check or money order and ensure that your payment is in the correct amount and made out to the Montclair Property Owner’s Association. Payments that are placed in the drop box outside of the office after 5:00 p.m. on the tenth of the month will be considered late.

Assessments for the 2018 season will be $550.00 annually and $57.00 when paid in monthly increments. Payments will run ten months only, May 2018-February 2019 with no payments in March or April 2019. Any payment that is not received before the tenth of each month will incur a late fee of $35.00. Please feel free to reach out to the MPOA at (703) 670-6187 with any questions or concerns.

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