Assessments pay for amenities such as landscaping, lake maintenance, community events, and other services. Assessments can be paid either in full at the beginning of the fiscal year, or in twelve monthly installments.
Annual Assessments
The fiscal year runs May through April, and the annual assessment is due May 1.
Monthly Assessments
Monthly assessments are due on the first day of each month, May through April. A processing fee of $2 per month is added to payments made monthly. Any assessment received after the tenth of the month will incur a $35 late fee. Payment coupons are mailed to owners of record that are not signed up for Automatic Debit following the approval of the budget at the Annual Meeting in March. Dues for the 2024-2025 fiscal year are $852 or $73 ($71 plus a $2 service fee) a month for twelve months. If you require a replacement coupon book, please contact FirstService Residential accounting staff for at 703.385.1133.
Using ClickPay
ClickPay is our preferred way of accepting owner payments. We invite you to make individual or automatic payments online through ClickPay from your smartphone, tablet, or other media device. Payments can be made by e-check (ACH) now for FREE or by all major credit cards for a fee. Get started by creating your account at www.ClickPay.com/FirstService. Through ClickPay, owners may make one-time or recurring e-check or credit card payments (Visa, Master Card, Discover, American Express) online or over the phone (1-888-354-0135 fees may apply). Please allow 3-5 business days, depending on the date/time and type of the payment, for the payment to reflect on your Assessment account to avoid any potential late fees.​
For help getting started, visit www.ClickPay.com/GetHelp or call 1.888.354.0135. www.ClickPay.com/GetHelp is for more than just getting started, visit the website for useful articles on making payments, managing accounts, and more!
Paying Your Annual Assessment In Full
If you would like to pay your annual assessment and/or trash assessment in full, click the "Pay Now" option, followed by "edit" next to "alternative amount" and enter the full amount you wish to pay.
*NOTE: There is not an autopay feature to pay an assessment annually. The autopay options below can only be used to pay your assessments monthly. Members in good standing may be eligible to pay the annual assessment in monthly installments.

Autopay Features For Paying Assessments Monthly
Fixed Amount
This autopay configuration allows the owner enters a specific amount to be paid only. The payment will always run in that amount, regardless of account balance. With this autopay configuration, the payment amount will NOT adjust automatically to include the trash, and the owners must manually log in to their ClickPay account each time that an assessment rate changes and update the amount of their autopay.
Full Amount Due With A Maximum
This autopay configuration will pull a payment for the full balance due on the account up to a maximum payment amount of their choosing. This autopay configuration will pull a payment to include all charges on the account (as with the full amount due), however if their full balance is greater than the maximum they've set, their payment will only run in that maximum amount, leaving them with a balance due. This may or may not include the trash fees, depending on the maximum set by the individual owner.
Full Amount Due
This autopay configuration will pull a payment for the full balance due on the account, including all charges regardless of what it is (including for example: late fees, collections charges, violations, etc. where applicable). This autopay configuration will automatically adjust whenever the rate changes and will also include trash fees. Note: this payment option is best for paying our monthly assessment fee.
Recurring Charges and Scheduled Assessments Only
This autopay configuration will always run in the amount of all recurring assessments on the account. This includes the monthly assessment, the service fees, and the trash fees. This autopay configuration will never include any prior account balances, late fees, collections charges, violations, or any other one-time charges (these would need to be paid separately from their autopay).
Click the button below for guidance on payment and billing options with ClickPay. For additional help, click here.
Physical Payment Options
Payments can be made in-person at the MPOA office by check or money order. Owners must bring a payment coupon when submitting payments to the MPOA office to ensure payment is allocated to the correct account. Payments placed in the dropbox outside of the office after 5 p.m. on the assessment deadline will incur a late fee.
Payments can be made by check or money order and mailed to:
Montclair Property Owners Association
C/O FirstService Residential
P.O. Box 30403
Tampa, FL, 33630-3403
Checks should be made payable to Montclair Property Owners Association and include the payment coupon or otherwise reference the account number to which the payment should be applied. If an account is in collections or at the attorney, the payment is sent to an exception queue by the lockbox provider to be reviewed by FirstService Residential accounting staff for restrictive endorsements prior to processing.
If you need a disclosure packet, please visit https://www.fsresidential.com/corporate/resale-and-lender-documents