Property Improvements
Introduction to Property Improvements
In accordance with the MPOA Articles of Incorporation, Declaration and Bylaws, and Community Guidelines, property owners desiring to add to and/or alter the exterior appearance of their home or lot must complete a Property Improvement Request Application or PIR. Any modification to the exterior of the home requires submittal of a PIR, including but not limited to the painting of doors, wood trim or shutters, addition of a deck or patio, and installation of a hot tub or play equipment. For a complete list of items requiring a PIR, please consult Community Guidelines Article 5 Architectural Guidelines and Home Businesses.
Review Process
Property Improvement Requests are reviewed by the Covenants Committee on the second and fourth Thursday of each month. Completed PIRs that are submitted to the MPOA office by 5 p.m. the day of the current meeting will be reviewed at the following meeting. Look below for a list of meeting dates and submission deadlines. Owners will be informed of the Covenants Committee's decision by mail within five business days of the meeting. Owners may additionally contact the MPOA office following the meeting for information on the committee's decision. If the request is approved, work may commence no earlier than ten days from the postmarked date of the notification of the Covenants Committee's decision, pending any possible appeals to the Architectural Appeals Board (AAB) by an objecting property owner. If there are no objections to the approval, the owner may begin work following the ten-day waiting period.
Submission Requirements
To be reviewed by the Covenants Committee, PIRs must be submitted with all required information and signatures. A complete PIR includes, but is not limited to, the following:
Property Improvement Request, completed in its entirety, including signatures of all impacted neighbors, and signed by the homeowner
Documents and attachments as noted in Community Guidelines Article 5 Architectural Guidelines and Home Businesses
Requests that do not include neighbor signatures or the appropriate documentation will be marked as incomplete and will not be forwarded to the Covenants Committee for review. Owners submitting an incomplete PIR will be notified by mail.
Property Plat
Please note that some PIRs require a property plat in addition to the standard paperwork. If you do not have a property plat or are having difficulty locating one, contact Prince William County Development Services at (703) 792-6830.