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Spillway Updates

Dear Montclair Residents, I would like to provide you with a brief update on the Spillway Alteration Project. Shirley Contracting is making outstanding progress and is on schedule to date. They are starting to build the forms for the footers of the cutback protection wall already. While we have had some significant rain storms, they have not impacted the project to the point of causing any significant delays. Our current schedule assumes a completion sometime in mid to late September. The Prince William County Service Authority is taking advantage of the lowered lake level to perform some maintenance on their infrastructure that crosses the north end of the lake. That work is expected to begin this week, and we are in regular communications with them regarding their work. An Ad Hoc committee has been formed and will be officially established at the June Board meeting for the restoration of Dolphin Beach after the completion of the project. It is called the Dolphin Beach Restoration Ad Hoc committee and is comprised of members from the Lake Management Committee as well as the Landscape and Facilities Management Committee. They are looking at things such as lighting, replacement of life guard stands, and other recreation restoration efforts. A lakeshore clean-up effort has been discussed at the Lake Management Committee. Once the details are finalized, a motion will be presented to the Board for consideration. If approved, volunteers will be coordinated for a clean-up effort. Stayed tuned for further details on that effort. Homeowners are encouraged to clean up their lakeshore area of any trash and other refuse. Natural debris such as fallen trees or large limbs are good fish habitat and should be left in place. Please exercise caution when performing any work to your direct lakeshore area. Please be reminded that the lake bottom is hazardous and should be avoided, particularly closer to the water and especially with the large amount of rain we have received. Also, all three beaches remain closed and should be avoided as well. Thank you for your continued patience and cooperation.

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