Guideline Changes Effective June 1
The following amendments to the Community Guidelines were made at the April 8, 2015 Board of Directors meeting. These amendments will go into effect June 1, 2015. If you have any questions, please contact the MPOA office at (703) 670-6187.
Article 4, Section 4.3.5 Boating on Lake Montclair to allow launching of hand-carried boats from any of the three beaches outside of the marked swim areas;
Article 4, Section 4.3.5 Boating on Lake Montclair to establish a late fee for boats not registered by the October 31 deadline;
Article 5, Section 5.4.38 Sheds and Outdoor Storage Containers for Single Family Homes to replace existing guidelines, clarify the difference between sheds and outdoor storage containers, and set restrictions for installation of each;
Article 5, Section 5.4.39 Sheds and Outdoor Storage Containers for Townhomes and Cluster Homes to replace existing guidelines, clarify the difference between sheds and outdoor storage containers, and set restrictions for installation of each.
Additionally, the following amendments were made at the May 13, 2015 Board of Directors meeting and were put into effect May 14, 2015.
Article 4, Section 4.1.1 Recreation Photo IDs to allow restricted photo IDs for residents eleven and younger and require restricted photo ID holders to be accompanied by someone 16 years or older;
Article 4, Section 4.2.2 Authorized Users to allow one guest per restricted photo ID provided the guest is 16 years or older and acting as the restricted ID holder’s caregiver.