Preparing for the General Election

Preparing for the General Election
(courtesy of the Prince William County Government)
Election season is in full swing, and Election Day is fast approaching. The Prince William County Office of Elections has provided some helpful information on how to prepare for the election, how to obtain an absentee ballot, and how you can give back to your community on Election Day.
6 Tips for Voting Success
Know before you go...
...that your voter registration is up to date. Did you move since the last time you voted? The last day to update your voter registration is Monday, October 17.
...where your polling place is. Prince William County has added new precincts. Your polling place may have changed. You can easily confirm where you vote online. bring Photo ID.
...what will be on the ballot. Sample ballots will be available online at the PWC Office of Elections website after September 23.
...that you will be marking your votes on a paper ballot and then you will be scanning your ballot into new voting equipment. The General Assembly has mandated that all Counties switch to new voting equipment and paper ballots.
...that you can avoid long lines on Election Day by having an absentee ballot mailed to you.
Avoid the Line: Apply for a Ballot Online
Do you commute or have business outside of Prince William County on Election Day? Do you commute and work 11 or more hours on Election Day? Do you have a disability or illness that prevents you from getting to the polls? Are you unable to stand in line for a period of time? Are you pregnant? If you answered yes to any of the above, you are eligible to vote Absentee by Mail and can avoid the line on Election Day.
In Virginia, by law, voters are entitled to vote by absentee ballot, and these absentee ballots must be counted by Officers of Election on Election Day. Use the Virginia Department of Elections Citizen Portal and vote in privacy at home. Visit for more information. Ballots will be mailed after September 23, 2016.
Working at the Polls on Election Day
The hours are long, the pay is low, but your contribution to democracy is enormous! Prince William County needs as many as 1200 dependable and committed citizens to serve as election officers in its 92 precincts for each General Election. If you are interested in becoming an Election Officer, please complete the online application at
Visit for more information!