Community News 8/21/19
Montclair Community News – August 21, 2019
A message from the MPOA President, Robert Clemens:
Montclair Country Club: In response to the recent rumors regarding the Montclair Country Club, I want to share some factual information from a reliable source. The Montclair Country Club does have an interested buyer. Negotiations are currently being worked out but this is in no way a done deal. However, if the sale does go through it will be a very positive situation for our neighborhood since the interested buyer appears to have a long-term vision that is in line with many suggestions we, as residents, have had over the years. As I receive new information I will share it with residents.
Trash Update: The board voted to accept a proposal from Bates Trucking and Trash Removal in July. However, I could not sign the contract because it contained numerous discrepancies compared to the original proposal. Bates has not agreed to our terms as of the time of this writing. They are concerned about not servicing 100% of the Association and having 3,000+ invoices to manage. We need to become a "single payer" Association to attract a new trash hauler. In the meantime, we remain engaged with American Disposal. They are training new drivers and plan to be on a regular schedule soon. The MPOA will provide more information via email blasts, the Facebook page, and The Montclairion as we have new information to share.
Other Community News:
Covenants Committee Requesting Community Input on Shed Guidelines
The Covenants Committee will discuss an update to the Community Guidelines for sheds and outdoor storage containers at their August 22, 2019 meeting. The meeting will begin at 7 pm with the shed and storage container discussion starting at approximately 7:30 pm. Please join us and provide comments, ask questions, or offer suggestions to the proposed guideline update.
The MPOA Office will be closed on Monday, September 2, 2019 for Labor Day.
Events Committee Meeting – Date Change
The Events Committee meeting has been changed to Thursday, September 5, 2019 at 7 pm at the MPOA office.