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Lake Montclair Water Quality Update

A swim advisory was released earlier today (May 27, 2022) upon receiving an E. Coli test report with elevated levels at Beaver Landing and at West Beach. As per the MPOA Water Quality Plan (WQP), a new test was promptly conducted (new test performed on May 26th) to measure the E.Coli at all three beaches and the results received today are as follows:

E. Coli Test Results (May 26, 2022):

Recreational Advisories are issues whenever readings are greater than 235 Most Probable Number (MPN) per 100 mL. Beaver Landing: 91 MPN/100 mL

Dolphin Beach: 89 MPN/100 mL

West Beach: 127 MPN/100mL

Surface water testing for E. Coli is conducted weekly and testing for Cyanobacteria is conducted every other week at all three of Montclair’s beaches during the summer swimming months. It is not uncommon for elevated readings to occur when testing shortly after a storm. When that does occur, readings typically normalize within a short period of time. Based on these updated readings, the swim advisory released earlier today has been lifted.

Please note that swimming is always at your own risk and it is always recommended to follow these safety precautions: do not ingest lake water, shower after swimming, wash hands before eating, and do not swim if you are ill. Testing results will be included in all future weekly e-mail blasts throughout the season.


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