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MPOA Weekly Update: June 24, 2022

MPOA Weekly Update

Water Quality Update

Surface water testing for E. Coli is conducted weekly and testing for Cyanobacteria is conducted every other week at all three of Montclair’s beaches during the summer swimming months. Per the association’s Water Quality plan, when testing results are in excess of the recommended thresholds a swim advisory shall be issued to the community and a new test promptly conducted. When the levels fall back below recommended thresholds the advisory may be lifted. Please refer to the most recent testing results below:

E. Coli Test Results from June 21, 2022:

Recreational Advisories are issued whenever readings are greater than 235 Most Probable Number (MPN) per 100 mL. Beaver Landing: 6 MPN/100 mL

Dolphin Beach: 12 MPN/100 mL

West Beach: 10 MPN/100mL

Algae Test Results from June 17, 2022: The next test with be June 27th, 2022

Recreational Advisories are issued whenever Microcystis cell densities reach ≥40,000 cells/mL, and/or the combined cell densities of all other Cyanophyta species reach ≥100,000 cells/mL. No cell densities of Microcystis species were identified during the most recent test. The combined cell densities of all other potential toxin producing (Cynaophyta) species identified are detailed below.

Beaver Landing: 7200 cells/mL

Dolphin Beach: 12,750 cells/mL

West Beach: 4000 cells/mL


Effective May 1, 2022. Recreation IDs went digital with the help of CellBadge’s mobile security badge system. This system will replace the Recreation IDs, which will no longer be valid.

Registration with Cell Badge will be required to access MPOA’S amenities and events.

1.) Create your account:

Please visit the online Cell Badge portal to complete an “Initial Add Request” with contact info for a primary residing Homeowner/Renter. This will be the name/address you will give at check-ins. Allow 3 business days for the approval/rejection process.

2.) Enter Household Info:

-Once accepted, return to the same page to sign in with your contact info and REQUEST A PIN.

-Enter any additional household members who reside at the address of the account.

-Upload a clear, recent, close-up photo for each requested household member by clicking the camera button next to their name.

If you set up your account and didn’t receive a confirmation email from, we may still be missing photos or documentation for your account.

For help setting up your account, checking the status of your passes or additional details, contact:

Reminders & Updates:

Accessing MPOA Amenities

Please be advised that access to the various amenities/facilities require a valid Recreation Pass as per Article 4 of the Community Guidelines, please review the complete policy here. To register for a Recreation Pass please follow the instructions in the above section regarding Rec IDs are Now Digital!

If you have already registered and been approved in CellBadge for a Recreation Pass but are still unable to access an amenity, it is possible that there may be another issue with your account that resulted in a temporary suspension of access, such as a delinquent assessment balance or an open violation. If you encounter an issue with access at any time, please contact the Management Office during regular business hours for further assistance.

Please be respectful to the Recreation Staff at all times. Inappropriate treatment of association employees in the course of their duties is a violation of the MPOA Governing Documents and is subject to the enforcement rights and remedies outlined in Section 10.1 of the Amended Declaration which includes, but not limited to, the suspension of use rights of the common amenities/facilities.

For questions or concerns related to access to facilities, please contact the Lifestyle Team at


As a reminder, Section 4.2.1 of the Community Guidelines provides a 15-minute period each hour “during which all bathers are required to leave the water.” For your safety and in accordance with Section 4.2.3, adherence to the lifeguard’s instructions at all times is required.

Volunteers Needed

Community volunteers are vital to the success of MPOA events. We are seeking volunteers to help continue making enjoyable experiences for everyone who attends our events.

Click here to register for our volunteer database to be notified when selected event sign-ups become available.

Committee Members Wanted!

The Communications, Covenants, and Signage Committees are looking for members to join. Here is a brief description of each committee:

Ad Hoc Signage Committee research, discuss, and will develop a plan to secure professional design options to replace current Montclair signs that are consistent in material, style, and theme, while also embodying the "Montclair Community." Signs for consideration are all entrance, beach, and event signs.

The Covenants Committee reviews Property Improvement Requests and assures that properties are maintained in a manner providing for visual harmony and soundness of repair, avoiding activities deleterious to the aesthetic or property values of the property, and promoting the general welfare and safety of the owners, their guests, and other invitees.

The Communications Committee provides creative and technical methods to enhance all avenues of communications between the Board of Directors and Members of the Association, as well as suggesting methods of facilitating information flow from sources outside of the Montclair community.

If you would like to join, please fill out the form located at the bottom of the Committees page on the MPOA website - & email it to

Pictures for The Montclairion

If you love taking pictures of your family, events, nature, etc. around Montclair, they could be featured in the Montclairion! Please send in your pictures to

Upcoming Events!

Pre-Teen/Teen Beach Party

The Pre-Teen/Teen Beach Party is NEXT WEEK! Join us down at Dolphin Beach on Tues. 6/28 from 1 PM - 3 PM to get in on the fun!

We're bringing bubble balls, beach games, water balloons, free pizza, drinks, snow cones and more! You don't want to miss this one and neither do your friends so bring them along!

A VALID recreation pass is required to attend this event. 2 guests can attend per pass.

Help us get a better headcount for food by signing up yourself and your guests here:

Independence Day Celebration

July 4, 2022

Bike Parade: 10 AM

Food Trucks: 3 – 9 PM

Live Music: 6 – 9 PM

Fireworks: 9:30 PM

Decorate your bikes with as much patriotic décor as you can get your hands on and meet us at Henderson Elementary School at 10 AM! We’ll ride up the sidewalk along Waterway back to the MPOA building. Popsicles will be waiting at the end of your ride – don’t miss this fun, family outing.

Join us later in the day starting at 3 PM at Dolphin Beach for food trucks followed by live music from 6 – 9 PM and the fireworks show at 9:30 PM.

A valid Recreation Pass is required to attend this event. 2 Guests are allowed per pass.

**Boat owners wanting to view the fireworks from the water need to remain no less than 300 feet from the dam. Any boats within 300 feet from the fireworks launch site will delay the launch of the fireworks until they are removed.**

Beer on the Beach

Friday, July 15, 2022 from 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM at Dolphin Beach

Bring your own alcohol (cans only please, NO GLASS), chair or blanket, and enjoy yourself with friends and neighbors. Recommended for ages 21 and up. Personal grills are not allowed.


The beaches will close promptly at 9 p.m. No pets are allowed on the beaches during the summer season.

*You must be registered and validated through the new CellBadge system in order to attend this event*2 guests pass.


Dates for upcoming shows:

  • Summer Seasonal Market – August 6th 

  • Trunk or Treat and Seasonal Market – October 22nd

  • Saturday with Santa and Seasonal Market – December 10th 

If you would like to become a vendor for Montclair’s Seasonal Market, please sign up here:

*Sign up does not guarantee a space. 

Upcoming Meetings

Business Review Board Meeting

June 28, 2022 4:00 pm (Zoom) (reschedule from June 22, 2022)

Budget & Finance Committee Meeting

June 27, 2022 5:30 pm

Events Committee Meeting

June 27, 2022 7:00 pm (Zoom)

Financial Advisory Board Committee

June 27, 2022 7:00 pm (Zoom)

Triathlon Committee

June 30, 2022 7:00pm (Zoom)(Rescheduled from June 22, 2022)

Ad Hoc Signage Committee

July 1, 2022 10:00 am (Zoom)


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