Coffee with the Candidates and Election Information
Coffee with the Candidates will be held this Saturday, February 11 at 10:00 am. Take the opportunity to meet our wonderful Candidates in person at the MPOA office. Coffee will be provided. We look forward to seeing you!
The 2017 Annual Meeting packets will be mailed to the Owners of Record on Wednesday, February 8, 2017 by Survey & Ballot Systems, the company hired by MPOA to administer this election. Non-owner residents, while eligible for all Montclair amenities and activities, are not eligible to vote. If you are an owner of a lot in Montclair and in good standing (all assessments, fees and charges paid by February 8, 2017), and do not receive a packet in the mail by Friday, February 20, 2017, please contact the MPOA office to make arrangements for a replacement from Survey & Ballot Systems.