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An Important Message from the MPOA Board of Directors

March 20, 2020

Dear Montclair Property Owners Association (MPOA) Residents:

The board, in consultation with the association manager, attorney, and other business partners, has been discussing and planning for contingencies that may arise in the community as a result of the spread of COVID-19.

First and foremost, we recommend you take a moment to learn more about this virus. There are many sources of advice and locally information has been circulated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Virginia Department of Health

After reviewing information disseminated, we have detailed some possible scenarios and our current plans to deal with them. These plans are subject to change based on CDC guidance and advice from our professional partners.

Association Operations

Cleaning. The association has been extensively cleaning, disinfecting, and wiping down surfaces in the MPOA building. Owners are responsible for their private property.

Common areas and amenities. The playgrounds and playground equipment at Kids’ Dominion, Dolphin Beach, West Beach and Hockersmith Park are closed due to the potential spread of the virus on high contact surfaces and the inability for the surfaces to be adequately sanitized. Any hard surface at the beaches or at other common areas present the possibility of transmission of the disease, this would include picnic tables, benches, deck railings, lifeguard stands, etc. We strongly discourage the use of the common areas and amenities. If you choose to use the common areas, please take precautions and avoid groups of 10 or more people until further notice.

Meetings and events. The CDC has recommended against any gatherings of 10 or more people through the middle of May. We have reviewed events scheduled through April and have decided to cancel the Easter Egg Hunt, Fishing Tournament, and Earth Day activities. The Dog Park Town Hall and the Powells Creek Stream Restoration Town Hall will be rescheduled. We are asking committees to cancel meetings or conduct the meetings via teleconference using the MPOA phone system conference function. At this time, we plan to hold the board of directors meeting scheduled for April 8th. However, we are offering residents the option to tune in to board and association meetings remotely. More details will be forthcoming in the coming weeks.

Social distancing. Many experts also are urging people to practice “social distancing,” which is the idea of maintaining a roughly 6-foot distance between other people. It also means limiting non-essential travel, avoiding public transportation when possible, working from home, and skipping social gatherings.

Association business.

Office Hours. Though the office remains open, rather than visiting in person, instead we encourage you to call the management team at 703-670-6187 during business hours or Customer Care at 703-385-1133 24/7. Additionally, electronic correspondence can be sent to

You may use the website for community news and information or for account information. For assistance with access to FSR Connect, please call the office at 703-670-6187 during regular business hours and Customer Care at 703-385-1133 after regular hours.

Covenants. The covenants team will continue to perform essential inspections and re-inspections but will refrain from general violation inspections and processing at this time. The precinct schedule will be delayed.

Please rely on our e-blasts for other important information relating to MPOA events and meetings.

Assessments. Montclair POA assessments are payable in advance or in 10 monthly installments paid May through February. Therefore, if you have no balance due then you do not have a payment until May 1st. Budget information and coupons are in process and will be sent to residents in the next few weeks.

Staffing. The community may experience temporary staff shortages if employees get sick or need to remain at home. Some maintenance may be curtailed if staffing levels are reduced by illness or safety restrictions. We anticipate that staffing levels will return to normal once the coronavirus pandemic is better controlled. Your cooperation and patience are greatly appreciated.

If You Get Sick

Medical authorities are strongly urging all persons who exhibit symptoms to stay home and avoid public spaces unless you need medical care. You also should separate yourself from other people and pets in your home.

If you need to need to visit a doctor or get tested for COVID-19, develop a plan before you go:

  • Call ahead before visiting your doctor.

  • Wear a facemask if you are sick.

  • Cover your coughs and sneezes.

  • Clean your hands often.

  • Avoid sharing household items, such as utensils, plates, glasses, and towels.

  • Clean all “high-touch” surfaces, such as counters, tables, doorknobs, bathroom fixtures, phones, keyboards, and remotes.

The association cannot ask a resident if he or she has COVID-19. If the association is informed about a resident who has the disease, it is required to keep that information confidential, limiting the dissemination of materials on a need-to-know basis. If appropriate, the association may notify residents that an individual in the community has contracted the virus.

The association will be prepared to reasonably accommodate an owner who is sick by postponing violation hearings, extending deadlines on architectural applications, or granting payment extensions if appropriate.

This association will not and does not make any of the decisions mentioned above lightly. These actions are being taken to ensure the health and welfare of the residents of this community. We pledge to keep residents informed of all relevant developments and how they affect association operations.

It is also incumbent upon residents to take this situation seriously and do their part to minimize the spread of this deadly disease. The association highly encourages you to review safety guidelines and look for updates from the CDC, the local health department, and the World Health Organization.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. Stay safe and healthy.


The Montclair Property Owners Association Board of Directors

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