Boat Auction Begins Monday
On Monday, April 4 the MPOA office will begin accepting bids for the 2016 Boat Auction. All unclaimed or abandoned boats found on Lake Montclair or boats located on the West Beach boat racks with expired/no registration stickers have been marked for auction. Boats available for bidding are located in the West Beach parking lot and clearly marked with a numbered sticker. Photos of available boats can be viewed here.
To place a bid, please complete the 2016 Boat Auction form located here or at the MPOA office. Forms may be submitted in the following ways: • Email: • Fax: (703) 670-9620 • In person at the MPOA office or left in the drop box after hours
Only bids from owners in good standing will be accepted. Limit one bid per household. All bids must be received no later than 5 p.m. Monday, April 18. Winning bidders will be notified by Monday, April 25.
If your boat is marked for auction and you wish to claim it, please contact our office at (703) 670-6187. Boats that have been marked for auction that are later retrieved by their owners will incur a $25 removal and storage fee.