Facebook check to continue
The MPOA is currently in the middle of its annual Facebook check. This check is a routine procedure to ensure that all members on the Facebook Group are still residents in Montclair. If we are unable to locate an updated record with your name and a Montclair address, you may receive the following message,
“Upon recent review of the Montclair Property Owners Association group membership, we were unable to confirm your residency within the community using the name provided on your Facebook profile. Please provide your address within Montclair in order to remain a member of this group. Please note that group members are not permitted to use aliases, and are asked to use the name listed on their account in order to access this group. If you have any questions, please reply to this comment or contact our office at (703) 670-6187 or communications@montclairva.com.”
Please contact the MPOA office at (703) 670-6187 with any questions or concerns. Thank you for your patience as we continue this process!