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Recreation Photo ID Reminder

The Recreation Season is upon us. That means that it is time to update your Recreation Photo IDs (RPIDs) with new, 2018 stickers. Please keep in mind that new guidelines have gone into effect that change the way RPIDs and updated stickers are issued for non-resident property owners and their tenants. Article 4.1.2 States, “Non-resident Property Owners are only authorized to receive RPIDs for one household. They may only obtain RPIDs for their Non-resident household or their renters, but not both.” Remember, owners and tenants must acknowledge that all residents listed on the RPID form reside in the house with a valid signature. Anyone who is over 18 wishing to obtain an RPID or an updated sticker must bring valid identification to demonstrate they live in Montclair (driver’s license, an official piece of mail, etc.) along with a signed form. Please call the MPOA at (703) 670-6187 with any questions or concerns.

Full guidelines may be accessed here.

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