New Guideline Changes
Starting August 1, the following guideline changes to Article 4, Section 4.6.1 Areas Contiguous to Lake Montclair will be effective, 4.6.1 Areas Contiguous to Lake Montclair. There are parcels of land specifically designed and equipped as recreational areas (i.e., Dolphin Beach, West Beach, and Beaver Landing). The MPOA restricts use of other areas contiguous to the lake, and surrounded by abutting privately owned property, as follows: a. The shoreline on the cove between Timber Ridge and Edgehill Drives may be used for fishing only (access is from Parcel L, Section 3). ( REMOVED TEXT) b. The shoreline on the cove between Timber Ridge Drive and Inlet Place at Waters Edge area may be used for fishing only (access is from Timber Ridge Drive turn-around point). c. The shoreline between Lindenberry Lane and Beachwater Court at Waters Edge area may be used for fishing only (access is from Tallowwood Drive). d. There shall be no traversing, loitering, picnicking, camping, or fishing on all other Association property contiguous to Lake Montclair without the approval of each abutting property owner. e. Feeding the geese on any common area including areas contiguous to Lake Montclair is prohibited. Please call the MPOA at (703) 670-6187 with any questions or concerns about these changes.