Upcoming Lake Lowering
The mandatory lake lowering in 2018 presented a rare opportunity to complete some additional projects at a much lower cost, during a short window of time in which they would otherwise not be accessible. One of those projects was to repair or replace the floating dock and deck at Dolphin Beach. Access to the deck during construction was minimal during the Spillway Project, therefore, reconstruction of the deck had to wait until the Spillway Project was nearing completion.
At the request of the Lake Management Committee, the Management Staff solicited bids for repair in late July 2018, three months before the Spillway Project was expected to be complete and the lake was expected to be allowed to return to normal pool. Through the bidding process, several contractors informed us that completing the work requested would require the installation of additional footers and supports in order to meet county code. As the lake bed was exposed at that time, the pricing from all the contractors was quoted based on the assumption such would be the case upon construction. By the time the motion to replace the deck was brought before the Board, the lake level returned to normal pool. Options to complete the project without lowering the lake were initially considered, but at the consequence of substantially increasing the cost. The Board approved the motion to replace the deck, with the understanding the lake would need to be lowered again only as much is necessary to complete the new footer installation. Once the contractor was able to provide a reasonably accurate timeline for construction, a date was set to lower the lake and communication was sent out to the community.
Demolition of the deck and construction of the pavilion at Dolphin Beach are scheduled to start approximately January 7th. Lowering the lake as it relates to this project is also scheduled to begin January 7th. The lake will be lowered 3 feet the first 24 – 48 hours, then 6 inches per day thereafter. The lake level is expected to be lowered approximately 7 feet below normal pool and will remain low for several weeks. The lake will be allowed to rise to normal pool once the concrete footers have been inspected and approved by the County.
There have been some concerns regarding damage to pontoon boats and floating docks and ice damage to pilings and stationary docks. The Management Staff will be monitoring the lake conditions and level closely and will be communicating any issues and concerns with the LMC Chair and Board as they are identified. Ultimately, it is the responsibility of the homeowner to take whatever action they feel appropriate within the limits of the community guidelines to protect their property during the upcoming lake lowering. Questions or concerns can be directed to Phil Webber, MPOA Operations Manager by phone 703-670-6187 or by email operations@montclairva.com.
Your patience and understanding are greatly appreciated.