Community Update 6-9-2020
Covenants Reminder to All Montclair Homeowners
This is a reminder that Annual Precinct Inspections (API) are scheduled to begin on Monday, June 15, 2020. Address listings will be posted every Friday, so Homeowners are aware ahead of time. The first address posting will be on Friday, June 12, 2020.
Lake Lowering
Dear Owners and Residents:
On Thursday, July 6th beginning at 8:00 AM, the water level of Lake Montclair will be lowered by no more than 12 inches to facilitate a routine inspection of the dam that will take place on Wednesday, July 8th. This schedule may be affected by inclement weather, but any changes or postponements will be announced as soon as possible.
Lakefront property owners are encouraged to take any necessary actions to protect their property while this Lake lowering takes place. This includes, but is not limited to, adjusting pontoon retaining lines and properly securing or removing boats, canoes or kayaks.
After the required inspection is completed, the sluice gates will be closed and the water will naturally return to its regular level. Precipitation and the flow of Powell’s Creek will determine how long it takes for the water levels to return to normal.
Thank you.
Unfortunately, the Family Movie Night that was scheduled for Saturday, June 27th has been CANCELLED. We will keep you up to date of any other cancellations as they arise.
Did You Miss the Special Board Meeting on May 21st, 2020?
Don’t worry! The Recording Team has you covered. View the meeting on Vimeo here:
Special Board Meeting – May 21, 2020
Password: Sbmpoa20$
Covenants Committee Needs New Members!
If you happen to have a little extra time and have an interest in contributing to the Montclair Community, the Covenants Committee is looking for new members! Interested Homeowners should submit a Committee Volunteer Application to the MPOA Office.
Please review the Covenants Committee Charter here:
Download the Application here:
Upcoming Meetings
-The June 2020 Safety Committee meeting has been canceled.
-The Board of Directors Meeting will be held electronically on Wednesday, June 10, 2020 with Executive Session at 6:30 pm and Open Session beginning at approximately 7:30 pm. If you wish to sign up for Speakers Time, please register by 4pm on Wednesday, June 10th using the following link and use the Zoom webinar attendee link. We will do our best to accommodate last minute requests during the Speakers Time forum.
To register for Speakers Time using this SignUpGenius link:
When: Jun 10, 2020 07:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Montclair POA Board of Directors Meeting 06/10/2020 Approximately 7:30PM
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Password: 977499
iPhone one-tap :
US: +16465588656,,82953487190#,,1#,977499# or +13017158592,,82953487190#,,1#,977499#
Or Telephone:
US: +1 646 558 8656 or +1 301 715 8592 Webinar ID: 829 5348 7190 Password: 977499
International numbers available:
Zoom capacity is limited to 100 participants. If you wish to listen only, please use the Vimeo link below.
Vimeo - June MPOA Board Meeting – June 10, 2020
Password: Mpoa69#
As social distancing requires that we remain separated, many of the committees have decided to conduct their monthly meetings virtually with Zoom. Please check for the most up-to-date information.
Please contact the MPOA Office for information on how to join or call into a meeting. We can be reached at 703-670-6187 during regular business hours or E-mail
Just for Fun!
Just because school is “officially” over for the summer doesn’t mean the fun and learning has to stop. Check out these activities that will the kids busy and their minds and bodies working.
Rainbow in a Jar- With just a few common household ingredients like dish soap and honey, little scientists can actually pour a rainbow in a jar. There’s no need for any magic – just 100% kid-friendly science. Click the link to get started!
7 Fun and simple outdoor activities for kids-The weather is getting nice so check out these simple outdoor activities that could be a source of so much enjoyment, laughter, and joy!
Fun for the big kids and the little ones! Sheet Pan Pancakes-Finally, a solution to busy weekday mornings when the kids are clamoring for pancakes but the clock says otherwise! These are made in a sheet pan right in the oven, which means very little hands-on time and the opportunity to try as many as four different pancake flavors in one batch!