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Spillway Alteration Project Update

The Spillway Alteration Project is complete. Our engineer is working on completing the final documentation to submit to the state that will certify we are now compliant with VA Dam Safety regulations. This morning, Shirley Contracting submitted to us a letter of final acceptance advising that all contract and punch list work has been completed as of today. That is also being reviewed by our engineer prior to our acceptance and signature.

A meeting was held yesterday with representatives from VDOT and the PWC Department of Transportation relative to the need for a barrier at the new entrance of Dolphin Beach to protect against cars driving off the bank that now exists there. I would like to thank Supervisor Caddigan who is supporting us in that effort and working with the appropriate points of contact to ensure our needs are met.

I would like to clarify the status of access to all our beaches. In March, the Board voted to close Lake Montclair and the beaches for the duration of the Spillway Alteration Project, and until the lake returned to normal pool of approximately 188’. The term beaches reference the area contained within the legal parcel upon which the beaches are located. That includes parking lots, playgrounds, picnic areas, etc. No one should be entering any area of West Beach, Beaver Landing, or Dolphin Beach without the prior permission of the Board of Directors. The Board will consider a motion to permit access across the Dolphin Beach parking lot and paved pathway to the dam at the October Board meeting. Until then, please do not enter these areas for any reason. Other amenities at Dolphin Beach such as the playground and deck will remain closed pending replacement.

Thank you for your continued patience and understanding.

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